Next, we inform you about the details regarding the processing of your personal information, in accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data:
Responsible for the treatment:
ES B86142775
Claudio Coello, 14
28001 Madrid
Purpose of the treatment:
– Customer database management
– Documentation and execution of different contractual relationships, billing and collections
– Maintaining and promoting commercial and advertising activity by email, ordinary mail, messaging services and telephone calls.
– Various legal obligations such as the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.
We consider that you give your permission and consent when contacting us, visiting us and formalizing occasional operations either in the Gallery rooms, at the fair stands, online platforms, social media and when browsing the web.
We need your data to carry out the execution of the contractual relationship and for the interest in our products and activities, as well as to comply with legal obligations (labour, commercial and administrative).
We have your data because you have shown interest in our activities at some point since the company was incorporated and started its activity (2005). Additionally, we base the processing of your data to develop our commercial activity on the legitimate interest that assists us, in accordance with current regulations. The legitimacy or purpose has not changed since then, so unless you tell us otherwise, we will continue to process your data.
The data is not transferred to third parties, except legal obligation, neither nationally nor internationally.
On the other hand, we will only request auxiliary treatments from external managers that may imply limited access to data, such as the Post Office service, other logistics and customs services, telecommunications services, consulting services or collaboration with bank institutions, all necessary for the provision of our services. With them, we will work with responsibility and exclusively so that they carry out the determined pertinent work, so that they execute the exact order of communication contracted, without them having or transferring their data for other treatments and with the obligation not to keep them after the execution of the service.
You can access, and thus know if we are treating your data; you can rectify and update them; you can delete them, always saving the relevant legal obligations; you can request the portability of the same to another person in charge; you can oppose the treatment or request its limitation.
And, of course, at any time you can withdraw your consent to the processing of the data. In this case, we will delete your data, except in the regulated case of data blocking to maintain relevant information by legal imperative.
You can exercise your rights before the data controller (in relation to customer and supplier data), proving your identity. If we do not answer you or consider that they have not been properly attended to, we ask you to let us know so we can re-evaluate the situation and find a way to solve the discrepancy so that we can help you and resolve your request.
In any case, you can file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection www.agpd.es c / Jorge Juan 6, Madrid 28001.
Data categories:
The data that we are going to treat does not belong to special categories nor are they specially protected, they do not refer to criminal records nor are they large-scale monitoring or treatment. They are the normal and usual ones of any retail trade SME, basically identifying customers and suppliers, as well as the usual cookies in Internet browsing, the history of their occasional operations and other related within our art gallery trade activity.
Data retention:
They will be kept as long as your interest in our activity is maintained and as long as you do not request their deletion and elimination.
Finally, we try to adapt our actions, systems and treatments to reasonable procedures and measures to avoid bankruptcy and data security breach and to make an appropriate, legitimate, pertinent, limited, responsible use and updated of them.