Born in 1974 in Lausanne.
Lives and works in Lausanne.
1999 Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne, Diplôme supérieur in visual arts Founder member of CIRCUIT, Lausanne.
Since 2000 Professor at ECAL, Ecole Cantonale d’ Art, Lausanne.
Co-founder of CIRCUIT, Centre d´art Contemporain, Laussane.
Replica, Blueproject Foundation, Barcelona, Spain.
Double Exposure, Double Exposure, Praz-Delavallade, Los Angeles, CA, US
Delay, Praz-Delavallade, Paris, France.
Tenir pendant que le balancement se meurt, Parra y Romero, Madrid, Spain
Bright phase, dark phase, Mehdi Chouakri, Berlin, Germany
Elizabeth Dee solo booth, Independent, New York, NY, US
Musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris (MAMVP), Paris, France
Anisotropy, Parra & Romero | Ibiza, Spain
Philippe Decrauzat, Praz-Delavallade at Vedovi, Brussels, Belgium
NOTES, TONES, STONE, Le Magasin, Grenoble, France
Pour tout diviser, Elizabeth Dee, New York City, NY, US
Corps Flottants, Parra & Romero, Madrid, Spain.
Philippe Decrauzat, Elizabeth Dee Gallery, New York, USA.
Philippe Decrauzat. Anti-Illusion, Mehdi Chouakri, Berlin, Germany
Marrakech Press – Philippe Decrauzat & Mathieu Copeland, Espace d’Art Contemporain (Les Halles, Porrentruy, Switzerland
Nystagmus, Centre d’édition contemporaine, Genéve, Switzerland.
Project with Stefan Brüggemann, Art Nova, Art Basel Miami Beach. Parra & Romero, Madrid
Le Magasin, Centre National d’Art Contemporain de Grenoble, France.
Philippe Decrauzat: Anisotropy, Fonds régional d’art contemporain de Île-de-France (FRAC Île-de-France), Le Plateau, Paris. Co-produced by Parra & Romero, Madrid, Spain.
Philippe Decrauzat – on the retina, House of Art Ceské Budejovice, Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic
Philippe Decrauzat, Parra & Romero, Madrid, Spain.
Screen-o-scope, Galerie Praz-Delavallade, Paris, France.
Philippe Decrauzat, Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich.
Philippe Decrauzat, Elizabeth Dee Gallery, New York, US.
Philippe Decrauzat, Galerie Francesca Pia, Zurich.
Les Abattoirs, Toulouse, France.
Philippe Decrauzat, Galerie Praz-Delavallade, Berlin, Germany.
Philippe Decrauzat, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn.
Philippe Decrauzat, Secession, Philippe Decrauzat, Vienna.
Screening, The Fabric Workshop and Museum, Philadelphia, USA.
Undercover, Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zurich.
…And on the discoteque comrade? with James Fry and Scott King, Fri-art, Fribourg, CH.
Vista Vision, Galerie Praz-Delavallade, Paris.
Centre d’Art Contemporain, Geneve, Switzerland.
Plate 28, Swiss Institute, New York, USA.
Art Basel Miami Beach, Miami Beach
Komakino, Mamco, Geneve, Switzerland.
Nowherenow, Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz/Basel
General Dynamics, with Vincent Szarek & Loïc Raguenes, Centre d’art contemporain – La synagogue de Delme, Delme, France.
That’s the image I want, Glassbox, Paris, France.
Le Hall, Go for a ride, Enba, Lyon, France.
Prix Manor, Elac, Lausanne [cat.]
Galerie Patrick Roy, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Le Rez, Musée cantonal des Beaux Arts, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Permanent show, Temporary public space intervention, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Galerie Tutti Edition, Verduno.
Rien que pour vous, Temporary public space intervention, Lausanne, Swizerland.
La révolution permanent. Oeuvres optiques et cinétiques de la collection du Musée national d’art moderne – Centre Pompidou, Fondation Vasarely, Aix-en-Provence, France
Art. 132-75, Kunstverein Langenhagen, Langenhagen, Germany
Alentour. A project by John Armleder, Fondation CAB, Brussels, Belgium
Bodies’ Delays. Philippe Decrauzat | Pierre Paulin feat. Dan Walsh, Galerie Xippas, Geneve, Switzerland
Arquitecturas do imaginário, Galeria Nara Roesler | Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Concrete Contemporary – Now is always also a little of yesterday and tomorrow, Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich, Switzerland,
Eruption from the Surface – The Origami Prinicple in Art. Marta Herford Museum, Herford, Germany.
Kunsthalle Weishaupt Ulm, Germany.
Groupshow, Centre d’édition contemporaine (CEC), Geneva, Switzerland
Action <-> Reaction. 100 Years of Kinetic Art, Kunsthal Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Flatland / Abstractions narratives #2, Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean (MUDAM), Luxemburg
Flatland / Abstractions narratives #2, Musée régional d’art contemporain (Mrac), Sérignan, France
Charles Blanc-Gatti:Hypothèses d’une généalogie, Musée d’art de Pully, Pully, France
Se souvenir de belles choses, Musée régional d’art contemporain (Mrac), Sérignan, France
In Retrospect: Good & Plenty, Galerie Mehdi Chouakri, Berlin, Germany
Honolulu Triennale, Honolulu Art Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland
Récit d’un temps court [Tale of a Short Time Span] – GVA <-> JFK, Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain [MAMCO], Geneva, Switzerland
Le Prix Jean-François Prat, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
Tous les tableaux sont à l’envers, Circuit, Lausanne, France
ALL OVER, Galerie des Galeries, Paris, France
Collectionneurs, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Lucerne, Switzerland
The Promise of Total Automation, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria
Inflected Objects #1: Abstraction Rising Automated Reasoning, Istituto Svizzero, Milano, Italy.
James, Circuit & Le Freistilmuseum, Xippas, Paris, France.
BIENS PUBLICS, Musée Rath, Geneva, Switzerland
Epicentre: conversations and discussions between artists, Parra & Romero, Ibiza
Explore, Le Château, Rentilly, FR
Global exchange: astrazione geometrica dal 1950, MACRO Museé d’arte contemporanea Roma, Italy
1:1 sets for Erwin Olaf & Bekleidung, The New Institute, Rotterdam, Netherlands
THINGS FROM BEFORE / BESIDE / THINGS FROM AFTER / AROUND / THINGS OF THE MOMENT, Inaugural exhibition, Parra & Romero | Ibiza, Spain.
Abstract Generation: Now in Print, MOMA, Museum of Modern Art, NY, USA.
MOVING – Norman Foster on Art, Carré d’Art, musée d’art contemporain, Nîmes, France. (Curated by Norman Foster).
VISION, ESPACE, LUMIÈRE ET MOUVEMENT DANS L’ART : DYNAMO !, Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, France.
An exhibition as a mental mandala curated by Mathieu Copeland, MUAC, Mexico, Mexico.
Les films de Philippe Decrauzat, LES ABATTOIRS, Toulouse, France.
Philippe Decrauzat & Mathieu Copeland, with Mathieu Copeland, Espace d’Art Contemporain (Les Halles)
Marrakech Press.
Paramor in Songe d’une nuit d’été, FRAC des Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, France.
Le confort moderne curated by Mathieu Copeland, Confort Moderne, Poitiers, France.
Tell The Children /Abstraction pour enfants, La Salle de Bains, Lyon, France.
The Old, The New, The Different curated by Fabrice Stroun, Kunsthalle, Bern, Switzerland.
Schwarz Weiss – Design für Gegensätze, Musem für Gestaltung, Zurich, Switzerland.
The Beginning of Beyon, Parra & Romero, Madrid, Spain
LOST (in LA), Ceci n’est pas…Art Between France and Los Angeles (CNP-LA) – Over 100 Artists and 30 Projects in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery (LAMAG), Los Angeles, CA, US
LiveinYourHead, Institut curatorial de la Head, 50 Partitions, Geneva, Switzerland
Au delà du tableu, Le 19 CRAC – Centre Régional d’Art Contemporain, Montbéliard, France
Advert, Insert, Cover, Headline…Or A Secret and Arbitrary Connection Between London and Lake Geneva, Bischoff/Weiss, London, UK
Le blues du chien, Frac Basse-Normandie, Caen, France
Collection Amplifiée, Museum of Contemporary Art, Rochechouart, France
Kubiläum Manor Kunstpreis 2012 – La jeunesse est un art, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland
Take off your Silver Spurs And Help Me Pass The Time, Galerie Nikolaus Ruzicska, Salzburg, Austria
Ventajas de viajar en tren, Parra&Romero, Madrid, Spain.
Le Château. Collection du CAPC, CAPC – Musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
Safari curated by Patrice Joly, Le Lieu unique, Nantes, France.
L’art au château, Château de Portes, Portes, France.
Philippe Decrauzat, Olivier Mosset and Paul Snowden, Nympheus Projekt, Berlín, Germany.
Euro Punk. La Cultura Visiva Punk en Europa, 1976-1980, Villa Medicis, Roma; Travels to Mamco, Geneve, Switzerland.
Play bach, CIRCUIT, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Et pis meu là, et pis teu là!, Frac Languedoc-Roussillon, Montpellier, France.
Black should bleed to edge organisé par Le Spot du Havre, ERBA de Rouen, Rouen, France.
All of the above Carte blanche a John Armelder, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France.
Black should bleed to edge, Le Spot du Havre, ERBA de Rouen, Rouen, France
Mcb-a, Musée Cantonnal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, Prix Gustave Buchet 2010.
Cut – Stéphane Dafflon, Philippe Decrauzat, Evergreen, Geneva, Switzerland
It’s all American, MOCA, Asbury Park, NJ, US
Chim Chim Cheree, L.A.P., Brussels, Belgium
Babel, FRAC Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Electro Geo, FRAC Limousin, Limonges, France
Radical Postures, Galerie les filles du calvaire, Brussels, Belgium
Black Hole, Centro Cultural Andratx, Andratx/Mallorque, Spain.
Collection 10, Institut d’Art Contemporain de Villeurbanne, FRAC Rhones-Alpes, Villeurbanne, France.
Drawings, Praz-Delavallade, Paris, France.
Cave Painting curated by Bob Nickas, PSM Gallery, Berlin, Germany.
Three leap seconds later, Achats Collection d’art de la Confédération 1998 – 2008, Kunsthaus Grenchen, Switzerland.
La Rose Pourpre du Caire Oeuvres de la collection du FRAC Auvergne, Les Ecuries
Jardin des Carmes, Aurillac, France.
Solaris, Gio Marconi, Milano, Italy.
Quelques possibilités de textes, Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneve, Switzerland.
Geoplay (Part I), Parra & Romero, Madrid, Spain.
Just with your eyes I will see Oeuvres du FRAC Auvergne, Fond d’art moderne et contemporain, Montluçon, France.
Fade In / Fade Out, Bloomberg Space, London, UK.
Seedamm Kulturzentrum, Konkret Megamopp, Sammlung Moderne Kunst Neuerwerbungen, Pfäffikon.
Cneai, Black Noise, Chatou.
L’Eternel Retour 1 : La Meduse, La Salle de Bains, Lyon, France.
Abstraction étendue, une scène romande et ses connexions curated by Christian Besson and Julien Fronsacq, Espace de l’Art Concret, Mouans-Sartou.
Reinvented: Study and Play, Galerie Jan Wentrup, Berlin, Germany.
Notorious, Frac Ile-de-France, Paris, France.
L’exposition continue curated By Mathieu Copeland, 1m3 & Circuit, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Le Spectarium (les fantômes dans la machine), Cité le Corbusier, Pavillon Suisse, Cité international Universitaire, Paris, France.
The Eternal Flame – Über das Versprechen der Ewigkeit, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel.
Rolf Ricke Collection – A contemporary art museum on time, Villa Merkel, Esslingen.
Abstraction Extension curated by Christian Besson, Julien Fronsacq and Samuel Gross, Fondation Salomon, Chateau d’Arenthon.
Toute la collection du Frac (ou presque), MAC/VAL, Vitry-sur Seine Galerie, Art & Essai, Rennes.
Blak Noise, MAMCO, Geneva, Switzerland
KIT/Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Secondary Structures, Düsseldorf.
At Home In The Universe curated by John Armleder, Art Center Mongin, Korea.
Introvert, Extrovert, makes no Difference, Galerie Cathérine Issert, Saint-Paul.
Medio Dia/Media Noche, Centro Cultural de la Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Freak Show, Musée des Beaux arts de Lyon, Lyon, France.
Accélération,CAN, Neuchâtel.
The Happyness of Objects, Sculpture Center, New York, USA.
Painting as Fact, Fact as Fiction (cur. Bob Nickas), de Pury & Luxembourg,Zurich [cat.]
Half square, half crazy / a demi carre, a demi fou, villa arson, Nice [cat.]
Rooms, Conversation, Le Plateau, FRAC Île-de-France, Paris, France
Aller-Retour, Centre culturel Suisse, Paris, France.
Hysteria Siberiana, Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisboa, Portugl.
Cinq milliards d’années, Palais de Tokyo, Paris [cat.]
Black/White Chewing Gum, Galerie Krobath Wimmer, Vienna.
War on 45/my Mirrors are painted black (for you), Bortolamy dayan Gallery, New York, NY, US
Bring the War Home, Elisabeth Dee, New York City, NY, US
Hradacany, La Générale, Paris, France
Objets d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, Ecole Municipale des beaux-arts, Galerie Edouard
Manet, Gennevilliers, France
Branding, Centre PasquArt, Biel, Switzerland
Surfaces polyphoniques, CRAC, Sète, France
Supernova, Domaine Pommery, Reims, France
HERENOWHERE, Kunsthaus Basel, Basel, Switzerland
L’Humanité mise à nu et l’art en frac même, Casino du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Shimmy II, Musée des Beaux-arts de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
None of the Above curated by John Armleder, Swiss Institute, New York Galerie
La piste noire curated by Marc-Olivier Wahler, Loevenbruck, Paris [cat.]
Formes et signes, Galerie Praz-Delavallade, Paris, France
Age of Optimism curated by Fabrice Stroun, Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zurich.
John Armleder, Francis Baudevin, Stéphane Dafflon, Philippe Decrauzat, Galerie Une, Neuchatel, Switzerland
Circa circé, Forde, Geneve, Switzerland
Programm VIII, Galerie Rolph Ricke, Cologne, Germany
La lettre volée, Musée des Beaux arts, Dôle [cat.]
pop, Galerie Fransceca Pia, Bern, Switzerland
Unter 30, Museum Liner, Appenzell [cat.]
En mouvement, Galerie Jean Brolly, Paris, France
Jour d’hypnose, Le Rectangle, Lyon, France
Hot Lunch, Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus, Switzerland
Filiale, Basel
5 Billon Years, Swiss Institute, New York, US
Circuit, Galerie Arte Ricambi, Verona, Italy
Galerie Hervé Lovenbruck, Paris, France.
La partie continue, Crédac, Ivry-sur-Seine, Paris [cat.].
Dessins, Galerie Jean Brolly, Paris, France.
Meanwhile in the real world, Chapelle de La Sorbonne, Paris, France.
Lee 3 Tau Ceti Central Armory Show, Villa Arson, Nice [cat.]
des voisinages, Le Plateau, Paris, France.
Drawing by numbers, Glassbox, Paris, France.
MURSOLAICI, Centre culturel Suisse, Paris, France.
Galerie de Multiples, Paris, France.
Rétrospective des prix Manor, Elac, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Les heures claires, Villa Savoye, Poissy [cat.].
Help, Elac, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Inside the sixties, MCBA, Lausanne [cat.].
Void, CAN, Neuchatel [cat.].
FRI-ART 81, FRI-ART, Fribourg.
BCV art, Musée Jenish, Vevey [cat.].
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY, US
Banque nationale suisse (BNS), Zurich, Switzerland
Berezdivin Collection, Espacio 1414, San Juan, Puerto Rico
CAPC Musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
Collection Assurance Bâloise, Basel, Switzerland
Collection d’art de la BCV – La Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (BCV), Lausanne, Switzerland
Fondation Louis Vuitton (FLV), Paris, France
Fondation pour l-art contemporain Claudine et Jean-Marc Salomon, Alex, France
Fondation national d’art contemporain (Fnac), Paris, France
Fonds régional d’art contemporain (Frac) Franche-Comté, Dôle, France; Île-de-France, Paris, France; Languedoc-Rousillon, Montpellier, France; Nord-Pas de Calias, Dunkerque, France; Normandie-Cael, Caenm, France; Pays de Loire, Nantes, France
Institut d’art contemporain de Villeurbanne (IAC Villeurbanne), Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes, France
Julius Baer Art Collection, Zurich, Switzerland
Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
Le musée de l’Abbaye Sainte.-Croix des Sables d’Olonne (MASC), Les Sables-d’Olonne, France
Les Abattoirs, Musée – FRAC Occitanie Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Musée cantonal des Beaux Arts (MCBA), Lausanne, Switzerland
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires (MACBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Swiss Federal Art Collection, Federal Office for Culture (FOC), Bern, Switzerland
Swiss Life Group Art Collection, Zurich, Switzerland
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, NY, US
– Swiss Exhibition Award 2010 CIRCUIT: Avant il n’y avait rien, aprés on va pouvoir faire mieux. Curated by Philippe
Decrauzat and Mathieu Copeland.
– Prix Gustave Buchet
– Prix Georg und Josi Guggenheim
– Swiss Art Award
– Prix Kiefer Hablitzel